Turning cardio exercising on its head


Cardio is one of the two main categories of fitness routines. Perhaps the one that most people identify with more frequently, because it is something that happens daily intentionally or unintentionally.

It is also probably the easier of the two forms as well, and that is probably why more people gravitate towards it. The simplest form of it, walking or jogging, attracts scores of people. And cycling and running on treadmill or elliptical machines are some of the most popular exercise routines.  

We started fitnesspods based on a basic idea. If cardio is so effective, what would happen if you turned cardio upside down and did with your arms what do with your legs.

What would be the effect of channeling all the direct energy that goes mostly to your legs and hips, to your shoulders, lats, traps, chest, upper and lower core? Our findings from our experiments using fitnesspods were beyond our expectations.

There was something profound about direct energy. While any form of exercise would have a general effect on every part of the body, the part of the body that receives the direct energy responds to it most.

So, where bicycling is responsible for the lean tissue and leg muscles, using your arms to direct the energy to biceps, triceps, deltoids, lads, and traps builds these muscles instead, and causes a leaner, toned upper body.

This idea was particularly appealing because the legs get their daily fair share of direct energy from walking, and they are almost never an area of concern. The upper body, however, deprived of the same privilege, has several areas of concern and is a better candidate for intense movement.

It is a fact that cardio has limitations with certain areas of the body and some unintended consequences. Beyond a certain point you begin to lose tissue in unwanted places. While you try to lose the hold out belly fat, for example, you find that you lose more face fat instead causing an aging effect.

So, it makes sense to take the battle directly to the area of concern than try to fight the problem indirectly. With fitnesspods, alternating arm movement in different directions, you can reach the fat accumulation areas of upper arm, under arm, chest, back, flank and abdomen directly. With persistent arm movement, and with some help from the machine’s resistance, you can convert the fat tissue into lean mass in a very targeted manner.